Each Sunday our clergy presents a sermon that captures the readings and lessons of that particular Sunday. The sermon is grounded in The New and/or Old Testament, and provides hope and inspiration to one's daily life. Sermons can be heard by accessing our videos of worship (Vimeo), or read, by downloading one. Sermons are available for download.

Adult Forum
Often we hold an "Adult Forum" on Sunday at 9:10 am to discuss the various topics surrounding our church and our community. Sometimes these sessions are conducted by clergy, or members of our congregation, or guests. These topics range from discussions on Liturgy, our history, the Bible, our church goals, outreach, or various other relevant topics

Bible Study
We offer Bible Study each Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-2:30. The focus of the study changes periodically.

Lenten Series
During Lent, typically beginning the week after Ash Wednesday, a 5 week series exploring the human spirit that strengthens and deepens our faith.
This year we are offering a Movie and Conversation Series on Wednesday evenings. Join us. All are welcome.

Youth Gatherings
We offer periodic Youth gatherings
.Come join us!

We grow through fellowship; grow in Christ, grow in love, grow in connection and caring.
We have many opportunities to connect.: Coffee hour after Sunday services, annual picnics, social gathering groups, just to name a few.